jeudi 27 novembre 2008

Attributs, Propriétés ...? !

Plusieurs auteurs ont rejeté la notion d'attribut. Nous citerons W.Kent et M.Jackson.

W.Kent [KEN84]écrit:

"But as common as the term 'attribute' may be, I don't know what it means. The fact that I've been using the term is totally irrelevant "

opinion à la quelle souscrit aussi M.Jackson [JAC83]

" previous chapters we have referred to attributes of entites and of actions. Our chief purpose in making these references has been to allay fears that a central topic in some approaches to database design might pass without comment. Attributes are a vexed topic, raising a variety of awkward questions....Attributes is not a JSD term, so we are not concerned to answer the general question 'what is an attribute ?' "

JAC83 Jackson M.: "System Development", Prentice-Hall,1983

KEN84 Kent W.:"Data And Reality", 4me édition,North-Holland,1984

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